The Wish Gatherers

I am SO very excited to announce the new book!

The Wish Gatherers Autumn is the second of four books for all ages in the Tales of the Turning Year series and follows on from best selling The Lightbringers.

The book is written by me as usual but is a wonderful collaboration of illustration with Tamsin Rosewell.

I did my usual making of the animals and photographing them, and Tamsin painted beautiful skies and stars and water and moth wings for me to make into moths, and then the skilful Joana Rodriges at Graffeg layered and combined the paintings and photographs to create the beautiful images in the book.

The year turns, harvest approaches, and the longer night skies fill with stars. And sometimes, just sometimes, maybe once in a thousand lifetimes, the star you see when you look up is a Wishing Star, one that can hear a wish and make a dream come true. But once its work is done, who is it that completes the cycle and returns it to the heavens?

Includes notes on autumn folklore and harvest traditions by Pamela Thom-Rowe.

Published on 6th September 2022 by Graffeg

A signed and dedicated copy with an exclusive postcard is available from my website.

You can of course order books from your favourite local bookshop too.

A comparison of two images. The left image is a photograph of a felt mouse standing on grass under a cloudy sky. The right image is a digitally edited version with a starry night sky background, featuring bright stars and celestial designs.

Read a blog from Graffeg interviewing myself and Tamsin about the process of making the book, our fave images, a hint of what I’m doing next


film from Graffeg previewing the book


What People Are Saying

“A tale of hope and wonder, duties carefully fulfilled, forgotten customs and quiet truth..”

— Jane Loveday

“so very beautiful, delicate, resonant, like the sound of a harp in words and images.”

— Milee Brambleby

“At full moon , at harvest , when the Perseid Meteor shower is due to fall , When the Lions Gate Portal has just closed after bringing through all its treasures , your book arrives , ancient and new , magical , just so magical that I can feel it in my heart and soul as it connects to my most ancient being inside .

It is a most wonderful creation of this golden time and the creatures are just so wonderful .

Congratulations on the most wonderful book I will treasure forever ..”

— Juliana Glanfield

“I love the weaving of folk tradition with a fresh mythology. Perfect for our difficult times. Karin’s new book is gorgeous to look at and a pathway to a quietly determined gentle kindness.”

— Sara Barratt

Often the most meaningful and beautiful tales are told quietly and simply.This is one of them. It's Karin Celestine's best yet. They have touched upon those things we all have; hopes and dreams.They create a sense of belonging, of purpose and being a part of something greater than ourselves, even as we strive alone. There is a wide-eyed wonder, not least because it is exquisitely illustrated by Tamsin Rosewell's inky magic, providing the perfect backdrop to Karin's gentle creatures. Like The Light Brighers, there's also a peek into our folk history too. It reminds us why we naturally move with the seasons and how we once celebrated this.If you aren't at all moved by anything in this book then you probably need a really big hug!Read this book. Read it with children. Read it with elder folk. It's a delightful story, as bright and timeless as the stars”

— Laura Jones

You can read all the reviews here scroll down from the product Listing

Lovely review from Fallen Star Stories You can read it here

New Cards

New Cards

Super Exciting news! Graffeg have produced a set of 5 new cards. Three from The Wish Gatherers and two from the Lightbringers. You can buy them as a pack of 5 or singly.

Cover of "The Wish Gatherers" book by Karin Celestine, illustrated by Karin Celestine and Tamsin Rosewell. Features a whimsical forest scene with two small creatures under a starry sky. Accompanied by an announcement for the book launch on September 6 at 6:30pm.


Online book launch hosted by Graffeg 

on Tuesday 6th September (official publication day) at 6.30pm Register here
Matthew from Graffeg will be talking to me and Tamsin Rosewell and I will be reading the book at the end, there will be a space for questions too. It will be recorded for those that can't make it live but I hope many of you can. Tickets are free but you must get one before the event. You can book one here

I will be holding an informal Book Lunch (did you see what I did there) on Saturday 10th September in Monmouth at Creates Monmouth, in their covered outdoor garden room
It will an informal gathering of friends for lunch to celebrate in person. I will read the book and Pam Thom Rowe who writes the seasonal customs folklore in the back of the book will be coming along to chat about autumn and corn dollies and such but otherwise it will be just an informal sit around a table chat in a cafe with friends rather than an official launch type  event with someone chairing and speeches and such.
I will need to know numbers to book the tables and we will need lunch choices in advance, so if you would like to come, could you please email and let me know how many of you are coming by the 1st September and I’ll send you a menu nearer the time .

Thanks so much and hope to see some of you there